Valuation Ratios |
P/E Ratio |
This ratio is calculated by dividing the current Price by the sum of the Diluted Earnings Per Share before non-recurring items over the last four quarters |
P/E High -Last 5 Years |
This is the highest value that the P/E ratio has hit over the last five years |
P/E Low - Last 5 Years |
This is the lowest value that the P/E ratio has hit over the last five years |
Beta |
This is a measure of volatility compared to the S&P 500 over the last 3 years. A beta greater than one indicates the stock is more volatile than the market. Less than one indicates the stock is less volatile than the market |
Price to Sales |
This is the current Price divided by the Sales Per Share for the trailing twelve months. If there is a preliminary earnings announcement for an interim period that has recently ended, the revenue (sales) values from this announcement will be used in calculating the trailing twelve month revenue per share |
Price to Book |
This is the current Price divided by the latest interim period Book Value Per Share |
Price to Cash Flow |
This is the current Price divided by Operating Cash Flow Per Share for the trailing twelve months. Cash Flow is defined as Cash Flow from Operations from the cash flow statement |
Price to Free Cash Flow |
This is the current Price divided by Operating Cash Flow Per Share, after subtracting Net Capital Expenses, for the trailing twelve months |
% Owned Institutions |
This is the percentage of shares outstanding owned by Wall Street institutions as outlined in their quarterly SEC 13F reports |
Dividends |
Dividend Yield |
This is the Indicated Annual Dividend per Share divided by the most recent monthly Price per Share, times 100. It is expressed as a percentage |
Dividend Yield - 5 Year Avg. |
This is the average Dividend Yield over the most recent five years |
Dividend Yield Year Growth Rate |
This is the annual growth rate in dividends per share |
Payout Ratio |
This is the percenta of Net Income paid out in dividends over the last year |
Growth Rates (%) |
Sales (MRQ) vs Qtr 1 Yr Ago |
This is the percentage difference between the most recent quarterly sales and the same figure for the same quarter last year |
Sales (TTM) vs TTM 1 Yr Ago |
This is the percentage difference between the most recent trailing twelve month sales and the same figure ending the same quarter last year |
Sales - 5 Yr. Growth Rate |
This is the annual compounded growth rate of Revenues over the last 5 years |
EPS (MRQ) vs Qtr. 1 Yr. Ago |
This is the percentage difference between the most recent quarterly EPS before non-recurring items and the same figure for the same quarter last year |
EPS (TTM) vs TTM 1 Yr. Ago |
This is the percentage difference between the most recent trailing twelve month EPS before non-recurring items and the same figure ending the same quarter last year |
EPS - 5 Yr. Growth Rate |
This growth rate is the compound annual growth rate of EPS before non-recurring items over the last 5 years |
Capital Spending - 5 Yr. Growth Rate |
This growth rate is the compound annual growth rate of Net Capital Spending over the last 5 years |
Financial Strength |
Quick Ratio (MRQ) |
The Quick Ratio, also known as the Acid Test Ratio, is defined as Total Current Assets minus Total Inventory for the most recent interim period divided by Total Current Liabilities for the same period |
Current Ratio (MRQ) |
This is the ratio of Total Current Assets for the most recent interim period divided by Total Current Liabilities for the same period |
LT Debt to Equity (MRQ) |
This ratio is the Total Long Term Debt for the most recent interim period divided by Total Shareholder Equity for the same period |
Total Debt to Equity (MRQ) |
This ratio is Total Debt for the most recent interim period divided by Total Shareholder Equity for the same period |
Interest Coverage (TTM) |
This ratio measures the ability to cover interest payments with operating income. It is calculated as Pre-tax Income plus Interest Expense divided by Interest Expense |
Profitability Ratios |
Gross Margin (TTM) |
This value measures the percent of revenue left after paying all direct production expenses. It is calculated as the trailing 12 months Total Revenue minus the trailing 12 months Cost of Goods Sold divided by the trailing 12 months Total Revenue and multiplied by 100 |
Gross Margin - 5 Yr. Avg. |
This is the average gross margin over the last five years |
EBITD Margin (TTM) |
This value measures percent of revenue left over after subtracting all expenses except for interest and income tax |
EBITD Margin - 5 Yr. Avg. |
This is the average EBITD margin over the last five years |
Operating Margin (TTM) |
This value measures the percent of revenues remaining after paying all operating expenses. It is calculated as the trailing 12 months Operating Income divided by the trailing 12 months Total Revenue, multiplied by 100. Operating Income is defined as Total Revenue minus Total Operating Expenses |
Operating Margin - 5 Yr. Avg. |
This is the average operating margin over the last five years |
Pre-Tax Margin (TTM) |
This value measures the percent of revenues remaining after paying all operating and non-operating expenses prior to paying income taxers. It is calculated as the trailing 12 months Pre-Tax Income divided by the trailing 12 months Total Revenue, multiplied by 100 |
Pre-Tax Margin - 5 Yr. Avg. |
This is the average pre-tax margin over the last five years |
Net Profit Margin (TTM) |
Also known as Return on Sales, this value is the Net Income for the trailing twelve months divided by Total Revenue for the same period and is expressed as a percentage |
Net Profit Margin - 5 Yr. Avg. |
This is the average net profit margin over the last five years |
Effective Tax Rate(TTM) |
This is calculated by dividing the provision for income taxes over the last 12 months by the pre-tax income for the same period |
Effective Tax Rate - 5 Yr. Avg. |
This is the average net effective tax rate over the last five years |
Management Effectiveness (%) |
Return on Assets (TTM) |
This value is the Net Income Before Non-recurring Items for the trailing twelve months divided by the Average Total Assets, expressed as a percentage |
Return on Assets - 5 Yr. Avg. |
This is the average percentage Return on Assets over the last 5 years |
Return on Investment (TTM) |
This value is the trailing twelve month Net Income Before Non-recurring Items divided by the average Total Long Term Debt, Other Long Term Liabilities and Shareholders Equity, expressed as a percentage |
Return on Investment - 5 Yr. Avg. |
This is the average percentage Return on Investment over the last 5 years |
Return on Equity (TTM) |
This value is the Net Income Before Non-recurring Items for the trailing twelve months divided by the Average Common Equity and is expressed as a percentage |
Return on Equity - 5 Yr. Avg. |
This is the average percentage Return on Equity over the last 5 years |
Efficiency |
Revenue/Employee (TTM) |
This value is calculated by dividing Net Revenue over the last twelve months in millions by the number of employees |
Net Income/Employee (TTM) |
This value is calculated by dividing Net Income over the last twelve months in millions by the number of employees |
Receivable Turnover (TTM) |
This value is calculated as the Total Revenues for the trailing twelve months divided by the Average Accounts Receivable. It measures how quickly the company is able to collect receivables from customers |
Inventory Turnover (TTM) |
This value measures how quickly the Inventory is sold. It is defined as Cost of Goods Sold for the trailing twelve months divided by Average Inventory |
Asset Turnover (TTM) |
This value is calculated as the Total Revenues for the trailing twelve months divided by the Average Total Assets |